Les twittos ne laissent rien passer au hasard, surtout quand il s’agit de la série culte « Game Of Thrones« . La bataille d’Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper, face à Gregor Clegane, The Mountain, et sa mort qui a été, pour le moins qu’on puisse dire, brutale, n’a laissé personne indifférent.
Voici les réactions des fans de la série sur twitter :
hey you, George Martin! you killed him! you crashed him! you smashed his head! say his name! #OberynMartell
— Lidia (@Ezhevichnaya) June 3, 2014
@GameOfThrones is now impacting our food… #mountainandtheviper #OberynMartell @PedroPascal1 pic.twitter.com/u3Ox70DasW
— THE Prodigal Jon © (@jonsaidstuff) June 3, 2014
They make you fall hopelessly in love with Oberyn then they kill him in the most brutal way possible #GameOfThrones #OberynMartell — Angela (@robols_) June 2, 2014
Just because you’ve read it, doesn’t make it hurt any less. #OberynMartell
— Ashlyn Hays (@_Smashlyn) June 2, 2014
Walakine sat fih l3ya9a, you raped her you murdered her you killed her children … wa 9tel mou men sba7 #GameOfThrones #OberynMartell
— AmineHarastani (@AmineHarastani) June 2, 2014